Monday, September 3, 2007


Date: 19/08/2007 16:57

Before we headed over on Saturday, we went on a donation run to ARC. We
added several boxes of stuff from our basement (baskets, vases,
doo-dads) and beat our new friend (the guy who unloads the donations
into the building) there. By the time we were unloaded, he came rushing
up, and was apologetic about being late. His bus was late, but he came
in time to give us a receipt. I'll just add it to Dad's pile as we
don't itemize our taxes.

I'd gotten an early morning email from Chris, he had called Dad (Mom
was asleep); that family contact is so important! Thank you!

By the time we showed up at 10, Mom was up and dressed and making an
effort to take her own temperature. I suggested that since the weather
was so nice and that it was the weekend, that Dad take her for an
outing. They loaded up the walker (she can walk much faster with that
than the cane) and took off for IHOP. It was time for them to see some
new faces and get out of the house for awhile. They were gone several
hours, with the reminder not to buy stuff, and came home in a good
mood. I reminded Mom to ask for a menu item that was diabetic
appropriate, so hopefully she did.

While they were gone, Dennis loaded up the truck for another dump run.
We moved out two more small cabinets from the living room, and
rearranged some furniture so that the wheelchair can get through. While
Dennis was at the dump, and then home cooking dinner to bring back, I
got a bit of cleaning done:

Washed windows in the dining room
Dusted cobwebs out of the ceiling and off of pictures in the dining
room, living room, and hallway
Folded the drying (Dad had done a load of laundry and put it in the
Used Dennis super industrial ShopVac to clean out the cold air return

When Mom and Dad got home, Mom took a nap. Dad swept and mopped the
kitchen floor while I ShopVac'ed the hall, dining room, and living
room. Woodchips under the couch went right up, but the tough part was
taking embedded straight pins and small nails out of the carpet in the
dining and living rooms. There were at least 20.

I moved the stack of gifts from the dining room to the front hallway.
It would be so nice if we could get those to their recipients. There
are rubber stamps and jewelry for Taffy, Shayla, Chelsea, Dotty,
Rebecca, Rachael, and Rene.

I had a conversation with Steffan during the day, he was concerned we
were going to sell the house. His major concern was that he would need
to get his stuff moved and find a place to live. He has been getting
rid of stuff and furniture, and cleaning his living area. I assured him
we are not selling the house, and that he shouldn't worry about that.
He loves the clutter-less atmosphere of the house, and seems much more
calm now.

The good news was when the mailman came there was no mail today. Maybe
some of the 'do not mail' messages are getting through. We went through
the bank statements and bills from yesterday. I wrote out the checks,
Dad signed them, and we'll get them in the mail. When I return, we'll
save them some money by paying insurance in lump, rather than stretched
out on a payment plan. Dennis and I use the same insurance company and
save quite a bit by paying in that manner.

Dennis arrived with dinner: macaroni and cheese and Greek green beans
from our garden. Dad and I found a clean tablecloth, I rewashed dishes
and flatware to put on the table, and we ate a real dinner at the
dining room table with Dad, Mom, and Steffan. I can't remember the last
time I had a sit down dinner at their house, but it's probably been
more than 25 years. Steffan provided ice cream bars for dessert. It was

After dinner I wrote up a list of 'to do' items for Dad to work on
during the coming week. He already has a schedule of things to do every
day with Mom, but these are activities to keep him busy working on the
place. Mom and Dad have finally decided to donate the stuff from the
back bedroom to a service in the neighborhood called 'Scraps'. This is
an organization that offers art materials to local teachers and artists
for free. Mom has used the service for years, so this is really a good
match. Once that room is cleaned out, Dad will do his carving there,
and that will be much closer to Mom. If we get him a super duty
ShopVac, he will be able to keep on top of the chip mess.

One 'field trip' for Mom and Dad is to go to Fred Myers to choose an
expensive set of flatware. Sean can help them with his discount. I told
them to NOT go to Goodwill, but to spend the $20 to $30 it will cost to
get a nice set of silverware. No silverplate, nothing fancy, just nice,
serviceable flatware. Then, when they return, they are to GET RID of
the nasty stuff they have in that drawer. Mom sort of rolled her eyes
when I mentioned they need to agree on a pattern, but at least it will
be a 'field trip.'

On Mom's list I included 'doing exercises twice a day without
complaining' and calling three friends. One friend every two days would
be a good goal. The house is clean enough that she can invite company
over, and mental stimulation will be a good thing. I really am NOT
happy with Mom's 'friends' who seem to have abandoned her once she
became ill. Since she has a book to give to Jyl Myers, and since we saw
Jyl at the family celebration at La Caretta this spring, I thought that
would be a good person to start with. I also listed Joanne, since Mom
has some stuff for her. Finally, I suggested she invite her next door
neighbor, Rona. Rona is Baba Wagi's wife. I'm thinking now that their
home is more welcoming, that having visitors will be an easier event.
It will also give Dad a little 'me' time in another room so that Mom
has someone else to talk to.

I reminded them about no Goodwill/Thrift Store shopping while we were
gone. It will be hard, it's an addiction, and I'll call every day to
make sure things are going well.

We got Mom's hair appt. changed so that it doesn't conflict with Meals
on Wheels delivery. She has some things to give Anita when she goes to
the salon. She is to take her walker, so she doesn't have another
'incident' like the last time when she slumped down and Anita hurt her
back trying to support Mom. (I just learned this yesterday.)

Steffan cleared the table, Dennis did the dishes, I visited with Mom
and Dad for awhile. They were looking forward to Forrest coming over. I
called him before dinner and he was at Shayla's, but would be on his
way. I know that Dad got the painting materials all ready for him to
work on the outside of the house.

Unbelievably, it rained last night. Hopefully things will dry out so
that Forrest can get the primer on the house and the exposed wood won't
begin to rot.

Well, we are off for the Rice family reunion, then a week in Burns. I
don't have the internet down there anymore, so will just be in contact
with Dad via our Tracfone. Talk to you all next week.


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