Saturday, September 8, 2007


This my friends is the worlds tallest building (so far). The only problem is that you can hardly see it. This is one of the good days when the air is a little more clear than usual. The picture on the immediate right is the artists vision, the middle right is the real image on a normal day and the lower right is during one of those sandy days. Where is the worlds tallest building?

If you see a smudge just right of the stadium lights, that is the worlds tallest building. When I go across the business bay bridge every day, I get to see the worlds tallest building, but not always. Every few days or so the air is so full of dust that you can hardly see 1km. By the way the distance to the worlds tallest building (WTB) is about 8km.

Not all of this dust is coming from the wind, actually about 60-70 percent of it comes from cars and trucks stirring up dust. And not all of the dust is natural. 60-70 percent of it is generated from human activities, construction, cars, manufacturing and road works.

If you look at Dubai through the glossy brochures you will really be impressed. In reality you can hardly see a thing. The average unaltered landscape here is more dreary than the moon.

So many investors are coming here based on the adverts that they see. It is really the advertising westerner gurus who are doing all of the promoting. The local population doesn't know any better. They grew up around this and it is perfectly normal for them.

However, the westerners know they can't sell a the dreary reality so they make fantastic computer generated images. Or like everybody else take real pictures and doctor them up with photoshop to give real vibrant colors.

After a good rain and with no wind the skys can almost blue. The reality is that since most of the land is cream color and the dust is white, then the sky is more yellow than blue. It makes for great golden sunsets.

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