Monday, September 3, 2007


Date: 31/08/2007 05:28

Forrest, Dotty, and Rachael (I think) worked on the house (plants,
bathroom, and outdoor scraping) on the weekend. They also brought
dinner. Thank you so much.

Monday Mom was REALLY bad off, very weak, it was sad. I spent most of
the day on the phone straightening out the fraud/hold on their checks.
Dennis helped Dad with some stuff.

Tuesday we worked on the 'craft room' and loaded up garbage bags, boxes
of stuff for Dotty to take to Colton, and art supplies for Dotty and
the girls. Steffan got a GREAT haircut at Anita's (who does Mom's hair)
and looks fine. Mom was able to sort out some more jewelry for Dotty,
Taffy, Shayla, Chelsea, and the four grand/greatgrandgirls, as well as

Wednesday we continued working on the craft room. Dad has been working
on it too. He continues to get boxes for us to fill. We filled garbage
bags and craft boxes. We have a large box of costume items for Shayla.
We have only made a small dent in there. We hauled out several shelving
units to the 'free store.' Dennis loaded up the pickup with things to
take to the dump tomorrow. We'll be back tomorrow to work on the house.

I'm sure there's more to tell, but we're pooped.


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