Monday, September 3, 2007


Date: 18/08/2007 17:12

Dennis finished installation on the screen door yesterday, then
rearranged (and straightened) the artwork on the walls. We packed
another load for ARC donations into the truck and will drop that off
this morning.

Kim, the visiting home nurse, came yesterday. She was amazed at how
much progress we had made since her last visit. She took Mom's vital
signs and things are looking okay. I worked with Mom on her morning
exercises and Dad worked with her in the evening. I helped them a bit,
but it looks like it will work out okay while we are gone next week.

Mom must be feeling a bit better, because she has started complaining
to me about Dad. When she was feeling her worst, she didn't even speak
much. Anyway, she is sure that Dad wants to be the boss of the house
and he is telling her to do her exercises wrong. I assured her that he
is doing everything he can to keep her safe and well. (And kept to
myself the thought that he IS the boss of the house, but that's beside
the point.)

I got pretty angry with the credit union when I called to ask them why
some guy's name was at the top of some of Dad's statements. The
operator wouldn't tell me if that was a teller, or what. This prompted
Dennis and me to go over the will again and establish that Mom and Dad
have given me permission to help them with their financial affairs. So,
today I'm going to have another little visit with the CU folks.

Meanwhile, I have sent (as Chris and Laird can attest to the ccs) all
sorts of 'Cease and Desist' emails, and a few follow-up phone calls, to
various charities that have Mom on their list. I was so angry with the
Indian School; none of the email contacts work and all send back Mailer
Daemon (sp) messages. I called and left a message on a machine. If I
ever find the time, several of these 'charities' will be on my list to
complain to the BBB!

I told both Mom and Dad about the non-responsiveness of some of the
charities. It was another of those 'tough love' conversations, but they
both need to know that there are people out there willing to bilk
elderly people from their money.

Later in the day, after Mom's pain pill had kicked in, she was having a
hard time articulating who she wanted to send something to. After a
long, drawn out argument with Dad, frustration, and almost tears, I got
it out of her that she wanted to write a thank you note to the
Providence nurses who cared for her in the hospital, and she had me
make a crayon rubbing of an Indian basket she had told them about.
Apparently, when they asked her what religion she is, in the hospital,
she told them she wanted an Indian Shaman. She thought it was time for
last rites. Anyway, she has this Indian connection (although the house
was filled with Madonnas and crosses) and wanted to let the nurses know
why. At first, she started to write the letter, but stopped because on
the first word she couldn't remember how to spell. I told her that was
okay, I would spell it for her. When I gave her letters to spell, she
began writing the wrong letters. That was a shock to me. She realized
it, too, and was very upset. I told her not to worry, she could just
tell me what to write. So, we got the note written. She was convinced
that Dad had thrown away the address and that it had been on the
kitchen table. The only thing that she brought home from the hospital
was a photo of a clown with 'Dr. Runamuck' on it, that I had thrown
away, and a blue slip of paper that said, 'If your boomerang does not
come back, it's just a stick.' She seemed to think those had an
address, I pulled them out of the trash, and no - no address. I'll just
get it from the Internet.

I talked to Taffy on the phone yesterday, she was on her way, but had a
physical problem. She went back home. I tried to call later, but got no
answer. So, I tried to reach the Dotty/Forrest family, but also didn't
connect. I called Donny and he may be able to drop in today to see
Grandma and Grandpa.

Enough for now, it's time to get up and get this day started.


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