Thursday, February 21, 2008

Cupcake Poker

Cupcake Poker

by Daphne Anne ,
Contest #200807
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With fingerprint in hand, Mama flung open the kitchen door. It hit the outside of the trailer house with a crash.

of us looked up from where we were playing around in the dirt patch
that served as our front yard. Seeing Mama in the doorway with one hand
on her hip and the other holding a cupcake, my brother immediately hit
the brakes on our big red trike. Since I’d been riding shotgun behind
him, this abrupt jolt sent me toppling off the tricycle onto the hard

“Just WHICH one of you belongs to this FINGERPRINT?”

was puzzled. What Mama was holding looked like a cupcake to me. Mama
glared at me, at Chris, back at me, then finally at Chris.

my nap, there were twenty-four perfectly frosted cupcakes on the
kitchen table ready for tomorrow's bake sale.” She continued glaring.
Something about the confused look on my face caused her to focus the
investigation on my little brother. “Christopher Robbin! Did you leave
your fingerprint pressed into the top of every single one of my
twenty-four cupcakes?” 

Solemnly shaking his head he answered, “No, Mama, I didn’t leave fingerprints. Those’re thumbprints.”

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