Monday, February 11, 2008

Checked Out!

A library card is a like a magic ticket: €”you never know where it will take you!

My parent’s€™ words; A right of passage in our house was writing your name for the very first time, all by yourself, on your very own library card.

With one teacher’s salary and six kids, those library cards were our equivalent of the old Disneyland E-ticket. We rode those book adventures throughout the week, then came back for more the next Saturday afternoon.

Offering even more than books, the library became a work-study treasure trove; it paid most of my college tuition. What a dream job; being surrounded by books and the thoughts of thousands of writers.

Looking out the window on the first day of summer school, I noticed that across the courtyard from my classroom was the library. This sixth grade teacher went right over and checked out something that caught my eye . . . the librarian!

How many librarians do you know who were born in a public library? I was fascinated. Found out later that the building was a hospital before it was a library, but it made a good story.

Magic or not, that’s where I found my own true love. I checked him out, €”never returned him and that was 26 years ago!

Daphne Richardson

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