Monday, December 3, 2007

What it takes to Get Rich

In case you are not born rich – the basics you need to get rich, by SCROOGE!

  1. Love money so much that it means more to you than anything else and to make yourself feel better say that God gave you this gift. In this way you will never be distracted by charity, or understand avarice, steeling, cheating or being a conniver.

  2. Smell money, situations, opportunities, ways and means and don't be afraid if these are coming from other peoples efforts – not a problem use whatever means is necessary to get the money.

  3. Make sure that your friends don't need money or better yet select the ones that have so much that there is no risk of them asking.

  4. If your family or relatives are poor, change your name or disinherit them make an artificial crisis as the reason why you don't want to speak to or see them again.

  5. Learn how to let gifted or useful people think they can use you but know how to use them instead and when they are no longer useful or can cost more than their meager services provide – how to dump them and make it their fault.

  6. Make sure that people who may or are associated with you always know you as unpredictable, easily angered, shrewed and stingy.

  7. Be without feelings except for yourself; whatever you do, don't ever feel ashamed or regret your actions even if they are blatantly wrong, just learn how to blame others for any shortcomings and if something does go well be quick to take the credit.

  8. Promise or indicate benefits to motivate key people in an appropriate way that you are not most likely to be legally bound and if there is a doubt that has merit it will be so expensive for anybody to prove in a court of law that you would most certainly prevail.

  9. Don't trust anybody especially yourself, and if you don't trust yourself then this is more reason not to trust anybody else. In this way you can always feel that you were right if anybody does something that you may consider to be not in your absolute best interest.

  10. Understand, that even if it is not true, that everybody is wanting to steel from you and that given the chance they will take everything from you, in this way you will change your behavior that will ensure that you will preserve your wealth indefinately.

  11. Feel divine that you will live forever and that there is no hell and that you are a good guy or girl and that you have helped so many people and that those bastards did you wrong. In this way you can do anything and feel that whatever you do is justified and sanctioned by God.

  12. In case you are really crazy everything above is easily achieved and in this case I should feel guilty in telling you what you will already feel. But the matter is that the people that these rules are targeting will never have the time to read these stupid rules.


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